Wednesday, September 28, 2005

what a day!

Ok, of the record… my Wednesdays SUCK!

First, I was walking out of my dorm and at the entrance we have an automatic door. And, that door doesn’t always work properly. So I was walking out going to class minding my own business and the door was open so I just walked on through when all of a sudden the door starts to close… and its not one of those automatic doors that if you walk through and it starts to close it will sensor you and reopen… no! Its ghetto. It will close right on you! And its not a light door… the thing is DAMN HEAVY! So to make my long story short… the door slammed on me and it hurt.

Second, ok, the first day of English class the professor was 5 minutes late and so we asked him how long we had to wait until we could leave if he hadn’t shown up. He told us that 15 minutes we should leave… IF he hadn’t shown up… so, today it was on the 15 mark and we all get up to leave and it was the day our paper was due and so we put the paper on the podium and were walking out the door when he started to walk in! AHH I was so mad he made us stay EVEN when it was the time we were supposed to leave… HE WAS LATE!!! GAR!!!

Third, I was hungry ALL day! I had a yogurt for breakfast and then went to English at 8 till 9 then went to the library till 10 then went to U101 till 11 then went to fundamentals of music till 12 then went to get a Snickers bar then went to convocations at 12:20 till 1 then had concert choir from 1- 3 then called Joey and waited for Chamber singers to start at 3:30 and when that was over I went to Church choir to eat a real meal! AHHH only a yogurt and a Snickers… I thought my stomach was going to start eating its self!

Well that is my Wednesday. Yeah I know they suck!

Anyhoot! I always forget what I want to write when I write and then I remember… anyway I guess that’s all!
would you rather...
Be in a chamber of 100000 giant mosquitoes for a week
Wear a poison ivy suit for a month


Joey said...

Poison Ivy suit, the poison ivy will only stay green and alive for about a week after its been cut, so I will only have to suffer for so long, eventually the itching will stop, and perhaps the long exposure to poison ivy will help build up an immunity...sweet! The Mosquitos on the other hand, will reproduce, spread disease, and kill me probably withen 3 days tops. Maybe I thought too much about this one...

Nice blog kiddo, even though I already new all the other things that happened. Funny how the night before I almost got ran over be the popo on the bike, and the next day, an automatic door almost closes on you. I am getting the feeling that people and things are starting to ignore us...anyhoot, love ya, talk to you soon!


Unknown said...

Hey woman.

I misses you! I'm coming home this weekend and there is a rumor on the UAB streets that I might be making an appearance at your football game!?! I mean don't call the hasn't yet been confirmed with my representative.

Anyways, with any luck I'll see you soon! I love you!!