Monday, March 31, 2008


So, I miss you. I hate the fact that I'm going to miss your 21st birthday. I hate the fact that when you get home... I'm not going to be here. I hate the fact that I dont know the next time I'm going to get to see you. I miss you so much.... I can honestly say that I have never missed anyone this much in my entire life. you see, I dont miss people that easily but I miss you more than I can tell you. I hope you are having the time of your life! When I get home from my trip at the end of May I will have four days until summer classes start. I want to hang out! even if you are back in charleston. I miss you so much!!!

Love you and be safe!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Best Friend!!!! I miss you so much!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hello/ apology

1st things first... Dr. Copeland, on behalf of all the Chamber singers I apologize. I would like you to know that I didn't do it. But, I would like to apologize. When a teacher or someone in an authority position makes a group announcement like that it always makes me feel like I did something wrong even-though I had nothing to do with it. I would however, like to apologize for those who did disrespect you.

Thanks for the wall post today!!! It always makes me smile when I hear from you. It makes me want to tell everyone that I did hear from you... even people who dont know who you are! Im just like, I heard from Kierstyn today!! YAY and they say, who is that.. and then I say, only the coolest person in the entire WORLD! and then they are jealous because they dont know the coolest person in the entire world! so, How is the prime rib roast of Malaysia? (a little Zoolander for ya...) I miss you so much! Come home please!

Love you lots!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Come Home!

Hi friend! Thanks for the post card!!!! I was so excited to hear from you! Ashlee and I are at the beach! Its really windy! yesterday we got beat to death with sand do we went to the pool... then the sun went away and it got kind of chilly! but we are having fun.

So, you have a boy? Eh...? I did kind of laugh out loud when you told me who he reminded you of. I'm glad when you got lost, the boat didnt leave you! and you climbed a mountain?! wow! thats cool! I miss you so much!!!

Ashlee, Joey, and the fam say hey and they love you!... I'm going to see Ingrid Michaelson and Sara Bareilles at workplay!!!

I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me it's
Make or break in this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving I'm gonna need a better
Reason to write you a love song today

Cuz I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

I love you!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hi Best Friend!

yesterday I went fishing for the first time! It was so much fun! my friend Jenny has this pond behind her house and she took me and Joey, Ashlee, and her boy... I didnt catch anything... but I did have 2 nibbles. Ashlee caught 2 brim. I really miss you and wish you could come home now! next weekend and that week is spring break and Ashlee and I are going to her house! and THE BEACH! I know Its not as exciting as taking a tug-boat across the Pacific to see you or as exciting as wherever you are now... but it will be fun just the same! I love you and miss you VERY MUCH!!!
