Monday, September 12, 2005

not something you see every day

i think these damn cars are out to get me!

ok so... i was walking down the SIDEWALK... you know, where im supposed to walk! on 10th ave. i was walking to chamber singers. anyway... i look over and there is a truck driving on the grass between me and the library! thats right... NOT on the road! and i just thought to myself... self, that is a car driving next to you... NOT on the road! well, the truck didnt want to drive on the grass any more so i cuts infront of me and gets on 10th and drives away... i walk a litte further and see a po po (police) and i think to myself again... self, WHERE WAS THE PO PO EARLIER!? when there was a truck on the grass. but, maybe im just crazy and the new thing to do is to drive onthe grass and try to hit little college girls that are just trying to make it in a mew place... (imagine me thinkin all of this to myself)

well another week of college pick'em is over with and i droped out of the top three. but im still in the top ten and beating Chris and Joey! Notre Dame won AGAIN! (cut to me dancing around the room.. badly i aight add and singing the fight song!) all of you suckers who thought they were going to lose.... SHAME ON YOU! oh and by the way... NEVER go for boise st. they SUCK and i hate them because they are what put me out of the top five.

classes are going good here at school and im meeting new people and im loving it here... if i didnt have to dodge cars... when i have white guy walkin'!

um i think im done... i havent really said my catch phrase lately...


would you rather...

Live with an elephant in an elephant cage till you die (think about the smell)
live with a serial killer and you don't even know it


Katie Mo said...

serial killer. really. because come on, I don't even know it! :)
our quote for the week was "Ignorance is bliss until it turns around and f***s you in the a**." :oD isn't that happy?!

Joey said...

So I am here in Ohenery's checking things out cause I STILLLL don't have internet, so I willhave to make this quick in order to get back to work on time. Serial Killer, at least you could talk to the person and he won't smell...hopefully, and maybe without knowing he's a serial killer, somehow help the person with their problems, and maybe change them from a Serial Killer to a Non-serial killer, without ever knowing they are a Serial Killer....did that make any sense?, no probably not. But Elephants have really good memories, so if you upset mr. elephant he will never forgive and forget, and that could make things awekward. Okay, gotta go, liked your story about the truck, it was...cute...bye kiddo!