Monday, September 26, 2005

damn headache!

this is how i feel right now!

ok so this headache is freaking KILLING me! ive had it sence last night! and i still have it! and no drugs are helping! ive tried Aleve and ibuprofen... .and i still have a headache.
i came home after choir at around 4:45 and Ashlee was on her bed and she told me she was tired and i was like yeah me too and i fell onto my bed and was out like a yankee at a red sox game..... i got kinda tired of using "out like a light" so i made up my own and im hoping it'll be the new thing. anyway... i was out till about 7:30pm i woke up and checked my phone and i had 5 new voicemails and 8 missed calls! i felt SO popular! untill i found out that the 8 missed calls were from only 2 people... my mom... and joey! hehe but it still made me happy because i love them!
PETERSON!!! i keep telling Joey to tell you hey so if you read this... HEY! and i know you miss me as much or more than i miss you!

well im done i think im going to go to bed... my head feels like a scrambled egg.
Catch you Burgers on the Flip side
would you rather...
be blind and deaf
live with a second head on your body


Joey said...

Woah, that is a tough one...umm, I think I will take, the second head, at least you can work with that, you know talk to it, be friends, still be able to see and hear things, and if you get tired of the second head...umm, cut it off, is that Wrong? I don't know, this "would you rather" has too many moral implications. Crap, I guess I could learn to live with a second head. Well, sorry about your Headach, hope you feel better, love ya, talk to you soon.


Katie Mo said...

I'd take a second head and be twice as loud! YES!