Tuesday, August 02, 2005

waiter, there are snails on her plate

well Godspell is over and im sad. Strike was sad. i helped Alan with the sound stuff as we danced to krunk music and quoted Mitch Hedberg. then when i was dont with that and had nothing to do...Jessica and i were the supervisers... well at least we pretended to be. we stole lucas and kaylen's elevator and when we got to our floor, Joey was there and he scared the living daylights out of us... so now i have to come up with a plan to get him back! muah hahaha. so after strike we brought everything to JCCHS tears were shed and then we went to have a party in bruno's. not really we just had to get some things before going to petersons house. we watched army of darkness. a real trippy movie. i dont think i really got it. im not even sure i got the point.

yesterday was an interesting day. i got to work at about 11:30. (they took me off the morning shift...5:30-11:30...because i was late twice and i got written up... and 3-5 strikes and your out) so i get there and my boss is all hyper. he's the kind of boss who makes you do things to make himself look busy. so he tells me i need to scrub the hot tub... im a poet and didnt even realize it. but anywhat after that... im on stand contemplating life... when you gaurd a four foot pool that only college kids swim in then you get kinda bored... so im sitting there and the fire alarm goes off and so i get everyone out of the pool and on to the sidewalk and there is a sight for ya... old men in speedo's on the side of Univ. Blv. so anyway... we're out there for about 20 min. or so when we find out that it was just dust from construction. so we get everyone back inside and then that was about as exciting as it gets at work. lets see.... after work i went to OLS to practice singing for the Charismatic conference that will be held friday and saturday. so i was there till about 8ish and then i went home. i was going to watch The Jerk with my parents but they both bailed on me and so i watched it by myself. it was the first time i had ever seen it. it was really funny. after the movie i wen to go check my facebook and friendster and such. rebecca is the only one to write a testamonial on my friendster. but anyway i got on AIM... something i rarely do and Joey sent me an IM and we talked till about 3:30am for about 4 hours! i dont think i have ever talked to someone that long online before. so anywho... after that i went to bed.

this morning i got a call from Jason Eversull at about 6 and he was just talking not realizing i wasnt going to remember what he said in 20 min. so... i think he called twice. and then i got a call from kierstyn at about 11:30 telling me to get my butt out of bed so we could go to the pool. so i did what i was told and we went to the pool. then we went back to her house and i made hot dogs and she made cookies. then we watched soap operas. Kierstyn had to be at work at five so she droped me off and she went to work and now im writting a blog.

tonight its poker night at kierstyn's and so thats where i will be tonight.... lots of poker, pretzels, and of course... sunkist... my downfall.

i guess thats all i have to say to you people...

catch you burgers on the flipside.


Joey said...

Hey there CrackerJack, sorry, just trying to see how many variations of your name I can come up with...anyways, yeah it was good talking to you all that time last night, and don't worry, I got plenty of sleep the next morning, so it's all good. Alrighty then, catch ya later Chica!


PS: You'll never get me back...NEVERRRRR!!!!

Anonymous said...

you stole our elevator? heh i didnt notice... maybe i was thinking about something else..hehe