Monday, August 15, 2005

im moved in!

Well folks, i've moved in to my dorm. I’m down here in camp hall (that’s right behind the rec center) life is good. My roommate is very nice. Her name is Ashlee from Foley. Our dorm is small… go figure! But it’s really nice... except for the smell and the dead bugs in the sink. Well the last couple of days have been not so eventful. But whatever! Let’s see…

I worked this week. But we closed the pool a lot because of storms. (Yes we close an indoor pool because of storms… not rain but thunder ad lightning) anyhoot… that job is so boring it isn’t even funny. The other day I was on stand for about an hour and then the other six I was playing solitaire or surfing the net. Yep, that’s a UAB job for ya. I don’t know how UAB makes money when they pay people to sit and so literally NOTHING! But I don’t really care because im one of those people who get paid to do nothing so it works for me. But some people at the pool are really rude to the lifeguards. Which I don’t think is a very good idea because what if you drown? That lifeguard that you were just rude to and talked to with no respect may save you… but then again… may not. If I were a patron I would be nice to the people who were watching over me, making sure I safe. BUT! That’s just me.

So recap of my life as of now…

I no longer live in Meadow Brook, I still have the most boring job ever, I’m dating someone now, and I’m loving every minute of it!

This blog was typed Saturday 13, 2005 on a word document because Jackie’s internet was not up and running yet.

well... its been two days since i wrote this blog so i guess i will tell you what i have done in the past two days. well as you know i moved in on saturday. that night i went to Joeys house and watched snatch... it was a good movie, funny. then sunday i had bonding time with my roommate... we watched the Brat Camp marathon. then i went to church. after church my parents, Joey and I all went to dinner at a place in brookwood. (i dont really know the name of the place and if i did i wouldn't be able to spell it anyway.) dinner was really nice! after dinner Joey and i went over to Peterson's house and i got to see all the godspell people that i missed so much! then i came home (to the dorm) and tried to work on my internet but was just too tired and went to bed. so this morning i finally got the internet working.

catch you burgers on the flip side


Unknown said...

you's all growed up! i almost wept just then.
happy college.

Joey said...

Getting paid for doing nothing? Yeah, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. See, I don't get it, same thing happens with waiting tables, do these people realize that I am holding a plate of something that is about to be consumed by them. It takes a split second for spit to leave my mouth and make its way on to the food of a rude costumer. I'm just kidding, I would never do that...or would I? Braughhahahahaha!!!...aahemm, anyhoot, glad your internet is up and running. I will definately talk to you Later.


PS: I too, am loving every minute of it, talk to you soon kiddo.