Tuesday, July 12, 2005

well this is the only time i have right now to write you my faithfull fans!

i have barely any time to breathe. today i got up at 4:30 am. and go to work and was there till about 11:45 so i was REALLY hungry because i have had anything to eat since the morning before. (i got up (monday) and had a pop tart and then went to work and then went straight to rehersal at 6 till 9 and came home and went to bed and never ate anything else.) so i was really hungry and meet up with chris josof for lunch and then went to walk around the mall for a while and then i went to pick up my keys at the hallmark store from kierstyn because i left them in her car. and then i went to take a shower and then went to rehersal from 6-9. and now im sitting here telling you folks what has happend today.

tomorrow i will get up at 5 am and go to mass at St. Peters. then to breakfast at Chic-fil-a and then to chris's house to wake him up so we can go to orientation. i have orientation tomorrow thursday and friday.

Godspell and work is still my life.

im sad because my close friends arent so close anymore because i have no time for them.

i miss all my russia friends! Kate, Kulback, Andy, Michael, Tamby, Stiffy

i miss my love Natasha

i miss my old pool (even all the little brats who drove me crazy) (and the little girl who would give me popcorn)

i miss going out with my friends. (mamma sieta wont let me go out because she says she doesnt see me enough)

well i move in to my dorm in about a month. i dont know who im living with which kind of scares me. but not really. but really.

but right now the times are hard. i have no time for any thing and when i do have time mamma doesnt want me out because she wants me home. and so i feel as if im an ant on an ant hill and life is a mean kid with a magnifying glass.


Unknown said...

um, you had a little girl who gave you popcorn?!?! was she an angel of the Lord? because it sounds like it to me...umm, popcorn.
it should be noted that in all my time in college my best roommate i ever had was one that i had never met before she moved in. we have remained good buddies. so take heart, you might have a super cool roommate who rides her bike forty miles on a saturday FOR FUN, was on a rowing team, is from massechusettes (i don't know how to spell that), never put her elbows by her side, wore visors alot, taught in belize last year and is basically, anne, my old roommate.
and yeah, theater, it can be a female dog, no doubt.

Unknown said...

remember that time you called me from chick-fil-a?
that was a good one.

Unknown said...

ah! J-to the A-C-K-I-E! I miss you too! That metaphor was quite nice. Very visual!

Joey said...

Just wanted to say hello, and also, I may end up at UAB this fall after all. Catch ya later!