Thursday, June 30, 2005

no comment... well maybe i do have to say a small something

not much has been happening. Work and Godspell is my life. And well im not too happy about that. Work is the same. BORING as all get-up. And well Godspell is a whole other story. Well first of all... I don't do anything but sit on my butt and try to learn every girls part. Second, im getting yelled at for having too many conflicts. Its not my fault I have to work to earn money for food and clothes. And its not my fault that I have to go get orientated with my new college....

but I guess it is my fault im going to see Kenny Chesney. but the tickets were a gift for graduation. im not going to turn them down. plus I knew about the concert before the play.

but yeah... so im kinda wishing i just did tech instead of swing because i just dont have the time. the lady said "Please understand that while we appreciate that everyone is busy in their own lives, a commitment has been made to the show. Any additional conflicts will result in dismissal from the show. "

but what can ya do?

on a happier note...

we are getting a new dog! well its not really new. his name is mac. and he is a black lab. and he is 7 years old. and he used to live with my uncle in Boston but they cant keep him anymore so we are taking him. and im so excited! and he is coming at 10 tonight!

after rehersal i think im going to a cookout at james' house. if he is still having it.

and i have to give a shout out to my girl Francesca! and my boy Joey! and my silly little pea! thanks for being the ONLY ones to comment on my blogs. love ya guys!


Joey said...

Hey Jackie, long time no, anyways, I was in a wedding in West Virginia this weekend, so I am just now getting to check your blog. Hang in there with the conflicts and stuff, it is hard to juggle starting college, working, and being involved in theatre, but it DOES get a lot easier, the more you do it, the more you learn to think WAY ahead, and all will be well. As for being the girls swing, well, it is a tough job but somebody has to do it, and if someone gets hurt, you get to be the Hero...Heroine (spelling?, not the drug, but the wonder women like character). That is all, talk to you soon.


PS: thanks for the shout out.

Unknown said...

i have sensitive ears.
is that how you spell sensitive? it looks weird.
i think you are numero uno. or just the game uno. because it is FUN.