Wednesday, June 15, 2005

random thoughts about my week

well my addiction is the facebook... not really but sometimes i think it is.

life is good. im working... still.
yesterday after work, one of my co-workers(ben) and i went up to the climbing wall and used it for its purpose... it was really had. see, it was my first time to climb anything. but fun.

last night i went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith. it was the second time i saw it and it was so good.

hummmm lets see... i have to work at the hallmark store tonight. that really sucks because i hate that job and they dont know what they are doing over there. and all they like to do is make Jackie mad!

this morning i went to mass. then i came home.

Jason took Jill and me to his apartment in T- town. that was fun... i guess

i work at the pool thursday, friday, and saturday if anyone wold like to come see me.

i remember last year around this time i was really getting excited about the russia, finland, and estonia trip... i miss all my cool kids from that trip... i kept a journal while on that trip and one of these days i will post it. but you guys have to remind me or elks ill forget.

wow im surprised that you guys stayed with me this long. i know these thoughts are random. but i just try to write my thoughts and sometimes my thoughts got from one thing to another and then back again. but oh well

1 comment:

Joey said...

Woah, you wouldn't want to make Jackie wouldn't like her when shes mad...(insert Hulk picture or link here)...Anywho, just wanted to say hello. Your blogs are getting longer everytime, way to go, keep up the good work. Catch Ya later dudet!