I am now in the middle of week three of the Insanity Workout! I feel great and I'm starting to feel a difference in my strength. Now, Because I see myself in the mirror everyday it is hard to really notice the transformation. I took some pictures and was amazed at the difference from week one!
We have to do a fit test the very first day of insanity and every two weeks after that. Well, at the beginning of this week I did my second fit test and improved on all the exercises! My boss, the one who told me about Insanity, is now in month two with the Max exorcises. I'm quite scared about it just by the way she talks about it. But, I do know that at the end of it I will be in the best shape of my life!
here are week three pics! Sorry my track shorts look funky.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
week one
Hello there!
Today I just finished day 3 of week one of the Insanity workout. Holy crap! That is exactly what it is, insane! Like I've said before, I've done workout videos before and it always makes me feel like crap when all the people in the video are smiling and acting like its nothing while I'm infront of my tv dying! Not this one! people in the video, while in better shape than me, still need breaks and even the host sometimes sounds like he's out of breath. That really helps me push through and fight to complete the workout. Next thing, I sweat. Now, I have always sweat very easily. My mom told me i was a very sweaty baby. I sweat in any workout that I do, but I have not sweat like this since my track days. It's pretty intense.
I have some before pictures. I have no problem being in a swimsuit infront of my close friends and of course people I will never see again. However, this is not a swimsuit, it's a sports bra and some shorts. It's tough putting it out there and I am a bit self-conscious, but it helps keep me honest in my progress.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Hello folks! Long time no post!
Just to give you an update on how I am and what has been going on in my life since December. Not much has changed. I still work at Medical Towers at UAB on the Look AHEAD research study and I now work on another study called the Diabetes and Periodontal Therapy Trial (we call it DPTT). Things are going well and I enjoy my work for the most part. I am still teaching voice at Birmingham School of Music and as rewarding it is to see my students grow; I have come to the decision to try something new.
This is where the transformation starts. With me. I have grown dull of my life here in
Birmingham and looking for a change. I have discussed moving, changing jobs, and even auditioning for reality TV. Yes, at the end of this month I will be traveling to Nashville with Ashley A now R to audition for NBC’s The Voice. I don’t have my hopes up to high; I just thought it would be fun and different. That is what I need right now, Different. I want to save my money and move somewhere. I’ve had strong thoughts about moving to Boston because I have family up there. For a different extreme I’ve thought about Florida. I figure I have some time to think about it. And again, I have to save my money.
Change in job and change in location brings me to my next thing and is really the point for
writing this blog today, the change in my physical appearance. Now, I know that in previous blog posts I’ve talked about trying to start a journey with running but it has never worked out for me. I’ve gotten to a 5k but never made it past that. Part of the reason, I feel, is because I haven’t had a partner to push me to make sure I do my running. I think that the only reason I completed the 5k is because my best friend, Kierstyn, did it with me. And the second time my dad was going to run with me but schedules wouldn’t always allow for us to run together. Plus, on top of all that, I hate long-distance running. I was a sprinter in high school. So, on with the point! My boss was telling me that she and her husband are doing this home workout called Insanity. It is similar to P90X, which I’ve always wanted to try, however, with p90x you have to extra equipment and I’m not really down with that. I’ve done the Billy Blanks video workouts and I like it but you have to have extra equipment such as resistant bands. So, I feel like a moron doing this workout without resistance. Lame! Insanity uses your own body for resistance and it also mixes up the workouts so you don’t get too used to it.
This is where you guys come in! It is a 60 day program and I’m going to start Monday the 18th Ill give updates and picture proof of my progress. I need for you guys to stay on me and keep me honest! I need you help to accomplish my goal. Now, I have the motivation I just need help sticking to it. So, come Monday the first part on my transformation starts. I hope your help!
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