Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hello/ apology

1st things first... Dr. Copeland, on behalf of all the Chamber singers I apologize. I would like you to know that I didn't do it. But, I would like to apologize. When a teacher or someone in an authority position makes a group announcement like that it always makes me feel like I did something wrong even-though I had nothing to do with it. I would however, like to apologize for those who did disrespect you.

Thanks for the wall post today!!! It always makes me smile when I hear from you. It makes me want to tell everyone that I did hear from you... even people who dont know who you are! Im just like, I heard from Kierstyn today!! YAY and they say, who is that.. and then I say, only the coolest person in the entire WORLD! and then they are jealous because they dont know the coolest person in the entire world! so, How is the prime rib roast of Malaysia? (a little Zoolander for ya...) I miss you so much! Come home please!

Love you lots!

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